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Revista Española de Salud Pública

versión On-line ISSN 2173-9110versión impresa ISSN 1135-5727


GARZA-ELIZONDO, ME; VILLARREAL-RIOS, E; SALINAS-MARTINEZ, AM  y  NUNEZ-ROCHA, GM. Preventive Practices of the Inhabitants of Monterrey, México. Rev. Esp. Salud Publica [online]. 2004, vol.78, n.1, pp.95-105. ISSN 2173-9110.

Background: Chronic and degenerative disorders are the leading causes of morbidity-mortality in Mexico, as a result of which the Health Sector has implemented preventive and suitable detection measures. The use of the health services is a dynamic behavior on the part of the population. In order for people to use these preventive measures, the barriers to accessing these services must be lessened. Hence, the objective of this study was that of ascertaining the use of the services for the detection of diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, cervical-uterine and breast cancer and tetanus and diphtheria toxoide vaccinations. Methods: The sample size was that of 254 individuals age 25 and over living in Monterrey or in the greater Monterrey metropolitan area. Those having employed preventive measures during the year immediately prior to the study were taken into account with regard to the use of preventive measures. The analysis consisted of descriptive statistics and bivariate analysis. Results: Over 60% of the population was female, the average age being 42,3 + 14 years of age, three fourths of the population being on the social security rolls. A total 37% mentioned having undergone the diabetes test, and 44,5 the test for high blood pressure, while 31,1% had been vaccinated with the tetanus and diphtheria toxoide. Regarding specifically female checkups, 34,3% of all females had undergone the corresponding cervical-uterine cancer test, 29,5% having been screened for breast cancer. No relationship was found to exist between the use of measures and family histories and the perception of the importance of the checks. Conclusions: The use of preventive measures fall below some international standards. Individuals exposed to the risk must be sought in order to fittingly detect any chronic disorder.

Palabras clave : Prevention; Immunization; Diabetes mellitus; Hypertension; Cervix neoplasms; Breast neoplasms.

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