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Educación Médica

versión impresa ISSN 1575-1813


DIAZ-VELIZ, G. et al. Medical students learning styles in Latin American and Spanish universities: relation with geographical and curricular contexts. Educ. méd. [online]. 2009, vol.12, n.3, pp.183-194. ISSN 1575-1813.

Aim. To establish a correlation between medical student learning styles (LS) and the geographical context, the curricular context and different academic levels. Subjects and methods. The study was performed in 490 undergraduate students from Medical Schools of the Universities of Chile (Santiago, Chile), Nacional de Cuyo (Mendoza, Argentina), San Francisco Xavier (Sucre, Bolivia), Zaragoza and País Vasco (Spain). The instrument used was the Honey-Alonso learning style questionnaire that assesses the student preference for one of four LS: active, reflexive, theoretic and pragmatic. In addition, LS according to the Kolb inventory were also assessed. Results. Using the Kolb inventory, significant differences were found when the LS were correlated with the geographical context. While Spanish students showed a high preference for the assimilator style of learning, Chilean students resulted to be mainly accommodators, and Bolivian students were both assimilators and divergent. Comparing the LS distribution during the third course in two universities with different curricula (problem and lecture based learning), there were no significant differences. LS of medical students from a Medical School with a lecture based curriculum (University of Chile) were not significantly different during the first, the third and the fifth level of their undergraduate students. They showed a significant preference for reflexive and theoretic styles of learning. Conclusions. The present study allowed demonstrating that significant differences among the styles of learning of medical students correlated with the geographical context more than with the different curricula, or along the different courses of the career.

Palabras clave : CHAEA; Curricular context; Geographical context; Kolb; Learning styles; Undergraduate medical students.

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