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Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte

versión On-line ISSN 1989-5879versión impresa ISSN 1578-8423


SOARES, André LA et al. Variation in perceived collective efficacy among adolescent basketball players across 4-month competitive season. CPD [online]. 2019, vol.19, n.1, pp.283-290.  Epub 17-Ago-2020. ISSN 1989-5879.

In sports, collective efficacy appears to be dependent on the interactions and organized dynamics between the players within the team. It is directly related to team's performance potential. This study examined the changes of perceived collective efficacy among young basketball players between 10 to 17 years across a 4-month competitive season, accounting for variation by age group. We explored the trends of perceived collective efficacy based on repeated measures across 4 months within the observed age range. Sixty-five adolescent male basketball players aged 13,7 (9,5 to 17,3) years at baseline were considered. Collective Efficacy Questionnaire for Sports (CEQS) was used to assess players' perception of collective efficacy. Players had high CEQS scores. Except for persistence, all CEQS factors did not vary by age group. No distinct trend of differences between age group was present. CEQS factors remained high on the second assessment, except for ability where there was a systematic decrease of the scores at end-season. A negative trend was apparent for persistence, preparation and unity as players were closer to late adolescence years. Overall, adolescent basketball players tend to have a positive perception of theirs and their teammates efficacy. Despite the small to trivial influence of exposure to training and competition during pubertal years observed, results suggest that approaching adult level may change negatively the efficacy perceptions of adolescent players. Hence, coaches and practitioners of youth basketball should consider that players' collective efficacy perceptions may vary as transient influences of pubertal growth and competitive level with age increase.

Palabras clave : Growth and Development; Youth; Athlete; Sports Psychology.

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