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Enfermería Global

versión On-line ISSN 1695-6141


MARTINEZ CASTILLO, Antonio. Alcohol and pregnancy: nursing intervention in primary attention. Enferm. glob. [online]. 2011, vol.10, n.21. ISSN 1695-6141.

The prevalence of pregnant women and consumers of alcoholic drinks varies according to the study consulted, but all of them show non negligible percentages. The consequences of this consumption are very diverse, and can produce negative effects at any moment of the gestation. A consensus exists that admits that it there is no minimum safe amount of alcohol that the women can ingest, so the general recommendation is that they refrain throughout the whole prenatal and lactation period. The main objective of the programme of attention to these people is to find a suitable control that focuses on the welfare of the mother and the foetus. Such a programme consists of three key elements: identification/uptake, quantification of the amount ingested and monitoring. The professionals responsible are the nurses of primary attention, who within the health team, are shown to be essential in the correct attention to this collective.

Palabras clave : Alcohol; pregnancy; infirmary; primary attention.

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