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Enfermería Global

versión On-line ISSN 1695-6141


GIORDANI, Juliana Neves et al. Analysis of the trans and postoperative of individuals with diabetes mellitus undergoing cardiac surgery. Enferm. glob. [online]. 2015, vol.14, n.39, pp.95-104. ISSN 1695-6141.

The objective of this study was to analyzing the presence of complications in diabetic and no diabetic patients undergoing cardiac surgery. This is a cross sectional analytical study. 50 patients undergoing cardiac surgery were included and analyzed for the presence or absence of diabetes mellitus, each group contained 25 patients. Data collection was performed by analyzing the medical records. Among the surgical procedures were CABG 30 (60 %), TrVA 11 (22 %), TrVM 6 (12 %), CRM +TrVA 1 (2 %), TrVA + TrVM 1 (2 %) and TrVA +TrVP 1 (2%). The study population had an average age of 60,4 years old in the diabetic group and 56 years old in the group of non-diabetics. Regarding risk factors, the hypertension prevailed in the diabetic group 19 (76,0%). Regarding the postoperative complications it was observed a higher number of hemodynamic and respiratory complications between the immediate postoperative period until the third postoperative day in both groups. The conclusion of this study shows that there is no statistically significant difference among the variables, thus we find that diabetes mellitus alone was not an aggravating factor in trans and post-cardiac surgery.

Palabras clave : Thoracic Surgery; Diabetes Mellitus; Health Avaluation; Epidemiology.

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