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Enfermería Global

versión On-line ISSN 1695-6141


SANZ GOMEZ, Ana Isabel; IRIARTE RAMOS, Sonia  y  GASCON CATALAN, Ana. Socio-demographic and work related issues in nursing care errors. Enferm. glob. [online]. 2016, vol.15, n.43, pp.176-188. ISSN 1695-6141.

Objective: To assess the influence of nurses personal characteristics and hospital work environment in error of nurses Method: Cross-sectional study performed on 254 nurses in public hospitals in Zaragoza, Spain. A questionnaire containing questions about socio-demographic, occupational data and nursing error, were administered. Results: The sample consisted predominantly of women (88.6%) with a mean age of 37.4 years. A total of 45.2% have less than 10 years of professional experience, having a high rate of mobility in the workplace. There is an association between age, sex, mobility in the hospital service and the number of errors (p <0.05). The overload and pressure from relatives and patients are the work environment factors with more influence at the time of committing an error in healthcare. Conclusions: Error rates in hospital nursing practice are influenced by the characteristics of the worker and the workplace. To decrease its frequency should be providing adequate training professional to the service and prevent modifiable risk factors such as excessive workloads and work pressure social environment.

Palabras clave : Nursing; Patient Safety; Environment; Quality of Health Care; Interpersonal Relations.

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