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Enfermería Global

versión On-line ISSN 1695-6141


VILLARROEL-CARRASCO, Karla  y  CRUZ-RIVEROS, Consuelo. Relationship between full attention sessions and the stress level in university students. Enferm. glob. [online]. 2021, vol.20, n.63, pp.362-388.  Epub 02-Ago-2021. ISSN 1695-6141.


Academic stress constitutes an important problem to be addressed today, the student population during the last 10 years has faced various stressors triggering signs and symptoms, which are exacerbated when facing certain subjects. These subjects are those that include new methodologies in order to achieve the expected learning results, within which we find clinical simulation, which looks for situations close to the real thing.


To determine the relationship between the number of Mindfulness sessions on the level of stress compared to clinical simulation methodology in university students of 3rd and 4th level of Nursing Career at a private University Antofagasta, Chile.


Quantitative, quasi-experimental experimental with post-intervention test measurement. A sample of 58 students was studied. To process the information, normality tests were applied to the variables of the applied scale (SISCO) using Shapiro-Wilks, ANOVA, Tukey's test and T tests (men and women).


The stress level presented in the sample is distributed as follows: 5% mild, 79% moderate, 16% profound. There is an association between stress and gender, as well as mean differences in physical and behavioral reactions in students who attend 4 sessions (physical reactions: 0.91 and compartment reactions: 1.07).


It is shown that the greater the number of Mindfulness sessions, the lower the stress level in the areas of physical and behavioral reactions.

Palabras clave : Students; mindfulness; stress; simulation.

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