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Revista de la OFIL

versión On-line ISSN 1699-714Xversión impresa ISSN 1131-9429


BARBOSA, R et al. Automation in parenteral nutrition: quality control of the process before and after it`s implementation. Rev. OFIL·ILAPHAR [online]. 2021, vol.31, n.1, pp.24-27.  Epub 07-Jun-2021. ISSN 1699-714X.

Parenteral nutrition (PN) plays a vital role in critically ill patients and custom preparation is often necessary, adjusted to the needs of patients with specific needs.

Compounding PN handling can be performed manually or automated, always requiring aseptic conditions and trained personnel. The implementation of an automated system requires a careful analysis of its need/ justification, so that, based on adequate rationale, a feasible execution plan may be structured. Monitoring the performance of the automated system is a key process which requires of pharmaceutical validation.

In the Pharmaceutical Service of the Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de São João (CHUSJ), a study of gravimetric quality control was carried out before and after the implementation of the automated system, in order to monitor the accuracy of the results obtained for this verification test. As statistical results, the automated filling method was related to the lower average for the deviation to the theoretical weight, as well as lower standard deviation, corroborating a lower percentage of error but also a smaller dispersion of the results with this method. From the analysis of the results obtained, it was concluded that the implementation of automation resulted in improvements in the accuracy of results for the gravimetric control of nutritional bags, increasing the safety of the mixtures produced and, consequently, the quality of care provided to the patient. It is of highly importance that procedures for validating the performance of the automated system are implemented, as was the case, and these should be complemented by other types of evaluations, preferably performed by external entities to the institution in question.

Palabras clave : Compounding; automation; monitorization; parenteral nutrition; quality assurance; gravimetric control.

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