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Revista de Bioética y Derecho

versión On-line ISSN 1886-5887


MARQUEZ DIAZ, Jairo. Risks and vulnerabilities of the denial of service distributed on the internet of things. Rev. Bioética y Derecho [online]. 2019, n.46, pp.85-100.  Epub 01-Oct-2019. ISSN 1886-5887.

The dependence of society on technology is growing, where the monitoring of cities has become common, either through camera systems arranged everywhere, to devices and sensors that record a number of variables that literally measure the pulse from the same. In this sense, this article exposes the risk at the level of security of information on the Internet of Things (IoT), whose level of application grows day by day and with it, vulnerabilities in terms of connectivity and navigability, due to potential distributed denial of service (DoS) attacks. Under this same scheme, other types of vulnerabilities directly and indirectly related to IoT and DoS are presented, such as cryptohack, blockchain, advanced persistent threats (APT), ransomware and artificial intelligence, generally explaining the potential risk in the face of cybersecurity regarding the use and manipulation of information.

Palabras clave : advanced persistent threats; artificial intelligence; blockchain; cryptohack; denial of distributed service; Internet of things; protocols.

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