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Sanidad Militar

versión impresa ISSN 1887-8571


ARANDOJO MORALES, MI. Report on training needs in new technologies for military nurses. Sanid. Mil. [online]. 2018, vol.74, n.4, pp.255-259. ISSN 1887-8571.


In recent years, the Military Health has been incorporating different technological innovations to improve the quality and efficiency of care and to solve the health needs of both the centers of the Military Hospital Network and the displaced Health Units. The military nurse has had to adapt his way of working to the characteristics of the new systems, so he must develop new knowledge and skills, with the appropriate technological training and the necessary and most updated resources and devices.


To carry out a survey on the technological training of the military nurses and the means at their disposal and to discover the problems that are found.


Survey of 33 nurses assigned to various units of the Armed Forces about the technological means available to them and the training received.


There are obsolete equipment and systems and deficiencies in the training of nurses.

Palabras clave : Information literacy; nursing informatics; military nursing.

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