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Sanidad Militar

versión impresa ISSN 1887-8571


PEREZ GARCIA, A. External health supports required during Enhanced Forward Presence III Mission (Latvia). Sanid. Mil. [online]. 2020, vol.76, n.1, pp.25-29.  Epub 05-Oct-2020. ISSN 1887-8571.

Antecedent and objectives:

In July 2016, the eFP (Enhanced Forward Presence) operation was given a green light, with the aim of providing defense to the Baltic countries members of NATO, against Russia. Spain deployed a contingent in Latvia, whose health consisted of a stabilization cell and a liaison nurse. In case of needing health support, it was agreed to use the Canadian ROLE 1 or the latvian civil health services. The objective of this study was to analyze the external health support required during the Enhanced Forward Presence III mission.

Material and Methods:

A cross-sectional study was carried out. The 78 cases of the eFP-III mission were used in which external support had to be managed. Statistical analysis was carried out through the GNU PSPP Statistical Analysis Software version 1.2.0-g0fb4db.


The results were expressed in frequencies. A significant relationship was found between the type of support required and the type of means (military or civil) used to resolve it. The most numerous support was the dentist, followed by radiodiagnosis and physiotherapy. The largest number of support corresponded to men, Professional Military Troop and Maritime scale, resolved by military means and in a single consultation. The military media resolved most of the cases for which they had the necessary concrete specialty.

Palabras clave : Enhanced Forward Presence; Latvia; Military nursing; Military medicine; Health supports.

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