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Actas Urológicas Españolas

versión impresa ISSN 0210-4806


MONTOYA CHINCHILLA, Raúl et al. Fournier's gangrene: Descriptive analysis of 20 cases and literature review. Actas Urol Esp [online]. 2009, vol.33, n.8, pp.873-880. ISSN 0210-4806.

Background: Fournier's gangrene is a necrotising fasciitis that usually affects the external genitalia and perineal area and may extend to the abdomen, lower limbs and chest. It hasa high fatality rate and must be treated aggressively within a few hours of being diagnosed. It is believed that debilitating diseases such as diabetes mellitus or obesity are conducive to its appearance. A perianal abscess is the most common trigger. Objective: To conduct a thorough descriptive analysis of risk factors and predisposing conditions for Fournier's gangrene based on our institution's experience over the past 12 years and reveal the mortality rate for those factors as well as the average number of reoperations performed. Material and methods: This observational retrospective study examines 20 patients, according to clinical inclusion criteria, who were diagnosed with Fournier's gangrene, and treated in J.M. Morales Meseguer Hospital between 1997 and 2008. Results: The vast majority of patients reviewed were males, with an average age of 61 years. All patients had a significant history of organic pathology, particularly diabetes mellitus. The average hospital stay was 25.7 days. 2 patients died, and the overall mortality rate was 10%. Conclusions: Fournier's gangrene is an entity that can be lethal and it is favoured by several debilitating factors. It is triggered by a urogenital or perirectal disease that has not been treated properly. Because of its poor prognosis, early diagnosis and an appropriate early and aggressive multidisciplinary intervention are essential for proper recovery.

Palabras clave : Fournier's gangrene; Necrotising fasciitis.

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