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The European Journal of Psychiatry
versión impresa ISSN 0213-6163


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Eur. J. Psychiat. vol.23 no.4 Zaragoza oct./dic. 2009

Community study on a parasuicidal population: Clinical identification of repetition risk
Rodríguez Pulido, Francisco; Méndez Abad, Manuel E.; González Dávila, Enrique; Grasso, Marica; Rodríguez García, Ángeles

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Eating habits and attitudes and their relationship with Body Mass Index (BMI)
Rodríguez Santamaría, Ana; Amigo Vázquez, Isaac; Paz Caballero, Dolores; Fernández Rodríguez, Concepción

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P300 in alcohol dependence: Effects of TaqI-A genotype
Jiménez-Arriero, M.A.; Rodríguez-Torresano, J.; Ponce, G.; Hoenicka, J.; Rodríguez, R.; Rubio, G.; Palomo, T.

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Delusions of Pregnancy with Post-Partum Onset: An Integrated, Individualized View
Simon, Maria; Vörös, Viktor; Herold, Robert; Fekete, Sándor; Tényi, Tamás

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Neurobiological underpinnings of suicidal behavior: Integrating data from clinical and biological studies
Carballo, Juan J.; Currier, Dianne; Figueroa, Ana E.; Giner, Lucas; Kelly, Samuel Aidan; Sublette, M. Elizabeth; Oquendo, Maria A.

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