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Medicina Intensiva

versión impresa ISSN 0210-5691


CHAMORRO, C.; PALENCIA, E.; BODI, M.A.  y  GARRIDO, G.. Evaluation of the potential organ and tissue donor within the pandemic of influenza H1N1. Med. Intensiva [online]. 2010, vol.34, n.2, pp.127-133. ISSN 0210-5691.

The pandemic strain of H1N1 supposes a challenge to the health care system in general and for Intensive Care Units (ICU) in particular. Therefore, it will undoubtedly have repercussions on the organ and tissue donation process. In a possible scenario of bed shortage in the ICU and difficulties in maintaining the surgical activity at a normal pace, a significant effort must be made to assure the maintenance of normal transplant activity, which should not be considered as an elective surgical procedure. Another problem related with the impact of the pandemic on the organ donation process is the possibility that a donor with influenza virus could transmit the disease to recipients. This work aims to clarify this issue, reviewing existing data on the potential transmission of influenza viruses with transplanted organs or tissue, the recommendations published in other countries and those developed in Spain by an ad hoc work group that is made up by representatives from the National Transplant Organization, the Ministry of Health and Social Policy, Regional Offices of Transplant Coordination, and various scientific societies, including SEMICYUC.

Palabras clave : Influenza A; H1N1; Organ donation; Infection transmission.

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