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vol.12 número2Aplicación de una prueba objetiva conductual de evaluación de la influencia de los otros en el rendimiento en fútbolEstudio sobre el cambio de actitudes hacia la discapacidad en clases de actividad física índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte

versión On-line ISSN 1989-5879versión impresa ISSN 1578-8423


MOLERO LOPEZ-BARAJAS, David; CASTRO-LOPEZ, Rosario  y  ZAGALAZ-SANCHEZ, Mª Luisa. Self-concept and anxiety: detection of indicators allowing to predict addiction risk to physical activity. CPD [online]. 2012, vol.12, n.2, pp.91-100. ISSN 1989-5879.

The purpose of the study is to determine the number of participants affected exercise addiction, to relate sociodemographic indicators to high levels of reverser anorexia, and to find predictive variables to explain a percentage of the variable under examination. The participants are 154 bodybuilders (mean age 24.97 years, ± 6.90), divided into two age groups (under 30 and over 30 years) and four locations in different numbers of inhabitants. The instruments used are the Adonis Scale to assess reverse anorexia, the questionnaire of self-concept form 5 (AF5) and state/trait anxiety scale (STAI). A high percentage of subjects in the sample (62.8%) show moderate pathological concern. We have found significant differences in scores of reverse anorexia depending on the variable of age, previous negative experiences, place of residence, and number of hours devoted to exercising. Also, through a multiple regression study, we have determined the variables that best predict exercise addiction (Anxiety State, weekly hours in the gym and Academic-labor dimension AF5).

Palabras clave : self-concept; anxiety; reverse anorexia; physical activity; health promotion.

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