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vol.23 número3¿Qué tecnología escojo para mi clase? Percepción de estudiantes de medicina sobre clickersy KahootCurso de formación onlinepara la implementación de un nuevo modelo de atención a la depresión en atención primaria índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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FEM: Revista de la Fundación Educación Médica

versión On-line ISSN 2014-9840versión impresa ISSN 2014-9832


FERNANDEZ VEGA, Iván. Use of Socrative in the subject of Anatomic Pathology in the Degree of Medicine. FEM (Ed. impresa) [online]. 2020, vol.23, n.3, pp.117-120.  Epub 21-Sep-2020. ISSN 2014-9840.


Technological changes during the last decades has also affected the educational method in the health field. Socrative is a manager of real-time student participation in classrooms. It allows tests, evaluations, activities, etc. and handle the data by the teacher.

Subjects and methods:

This application has been used in five different themes in the Academic Pathology subject in the third year of Medicine Degree, involving 44 students. A satisfaction survey of the method was done. A basic statistical analysis was performed.


Satisfaction survey pointed out that students are very keen to this type of teaching modality. The average overall assessment of the final experience in the use of Socrative was 8.6 points out of 10. Most students have no previous experience with this type of innovation. However, a large majority will be very receptive to using them as complementary material to the classes. With respect to the test, the average of the percentage of global successes was 79.63%. The topic with the highest percentage of successes was male genital pathology (93.17%), while the topic with the lowest percentage of successes was liver, biliary and pancreatic pathology (66.87%).


The use of Socrative encourages attention, assimilation of concepts and is highly valued by students.

Palabras clave : Application; Medical education; Medicine; Pathology; Socrative; Technology.

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