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vol.25 número4Percepción de los estudiantes de nutrición y dietética sobre la metodología de aprendizaje por proyecto entre pares a través de la enseñanza remota para el aprendizaje de las ciencias químicas índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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FEM: Revista de la Fundación Educación Médica

versión On-line ISSN 2014-9840versión impresa ISSN 2014-9832


REY, Grazzia et al. AEGO: telematics assistant for teaching Gynecology and Obstetrics in COVID-19 pandemic. FEM (Ed. impresa) [online]. 2022, vol.25, n.4, pp.161-167.  Epub 28-Sep-2022. ISSN 2014-9840.


The teaching of gynecology and obstetrics encompasses theory and practice were traditionally taught in presence, a situation that has changed in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Material and methods.

We developed a teaching tool based on information and communication technologies. AEGO is an assistant for the teaching of gynecoobstetrics: filmed classes during real consultations, semiological techniques and colposcopy sessions, serious set of pregnancy control visits, including gyneco-obstetric diagnostic procedures and a satisfaction survey.


The analysis of the survey of 169 students indicates: the topics that aroused the greatest interest were semiological maneuvers and gynecological consultation. The survey evaluated the students' perception of the AEGO tool that was evaluated in obstetric semiology with 88% satisfaction, gynecological semiology with 95%, semiology in general 80% and delivery management 95%. Asked about the equivalence between teaching by AEGO and the traditional teaching of the distance course established as a result of the pandemic, only 7% of students judged AEGO as insufficient. In the example of metrorrhagias, students judged AEGO as equivalent to traditional (47%) or complementary (44%). Regarding the prevention of genito-breast cancer, 43% considered AEGO equivalent to 'face-to-face distance learning by zoom' and 47% defined it as complementary.


AEGO is a very useful tool for the teaching of gynecology and obstetrics and potentially has the ability to increase the topics to be taught

Palabras clave : Gynecology and obstetrics; Medical education; Medical informatics; Serious game; Simulation; Technology in education.

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