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Nutrición Hospitalaria

versión On-line ISSN 1699-5198versión impresa ISSN 0212-1611


ENRIQUEZ-DEL CASTILLO, Liliana Aracely et al. Planetary health diet versus usual diet in adolescents. How do food and physical activity influence academic performance?. Nutr. Hosp. [online]. 2024, vol.41, n.1, pp.28-37.  Epub 07-Mar-2024. ISSN 1699-5198.


to analyze the relationship of the similarity of planetary health diet and habitual diet with the practice of physical activity on the academic performance of adolescent high school students by gender.


877 adolescents were evaluated. The diet is reviewed through the 24-hour reminder. Physical activity was classified according to type of activity, frequency, duration, and intensity using the APALQ questionnaire. The caloric intake of adolescents was compared with the proposal of the EAT-LANCET commission, and the relationship between physical activity and diet with academic performance was again established.


Mexican adolescents do not comply with the proposal of a planetary health diet. No relationship was found between physical activity and academic performance. On the other hand, animal proteins rich in fats are consumed doubly according to the recommendation; these and whole grains, both are inversely related to better academic performance.


Mexican adolescents are far from consuming a planetary health diet. Physical activity was not related to academic performance, but there is an inverse relationship between fat-rich animal proteins and whole grains in relation to subjects that contribute to academic performance, which suggests that a healthy diet such as the planetary diet proposal could have an impact on environmental sustainability and favorably impact the academic performance of adolescents.

Palabras clave : Adolescents; Exercise; Healthy diet; Nutrition; Sustainable food.

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