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vol.12 número32Caracterización de las personas con úlcera venosa en Brasil y Portugal: estudio comparativoLesiones osteomusculares de miembros superiores y región lumbar: caracterización demográfica y ocupacional: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá 2001-2009 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Enfermería Global

versión On-line ISSN 1695-6141


FERNANDES DA CRUZ SILVA, Leticia; MACHADO, Regimar Carla; FERNANDES DA CRUZ SILVA, Vania Maria  y  SALAZAR POSSO, Maria Belén. ICU patient stress: vision patients and the nursing team. Enferm. glob. [online]. 2013, vol.12, n.32, pp.88-103. ISSN 1695-6141.

Objectives: To identify factors that act as stressors in two patients in Critical Care Units, to increase the mechanisms used by the nursing staff to mitigate the factors that cause stress to the patient and compare the responses of patients and nursing staff according to the variables degree of stress. Methods: A descriptive, exploratory and quantitative. Sample of 16 patients and 50 nursing staff. Collection of data through validated questionnaires. Results: The most stressful factors related to patients were to be staring at the ceiling, not to have privacy, not to know which day is, and hear the groans of other patients. The nursing staff reported to achieve important humanization actions in their work. When comparing the variables of stress for the patient's view of nursing staff, there were significant differences in qualitative variables of stress. Conclusions: The ICU admission was considered as non-stressful little stressful for the patient. The nursing professional has the ability to project themselves and raise awareness to the point of knowing how a given factor is stressful for paciente.Os professionals are doing their job efficiently, carefully and with respect for the norms of humanization, but this fact is not always effective to remedy the problems of all patients.

Palabras clave : Intensive care units; Stres; Nursing.

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