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vol.20 número7Mortalidad precoz hospitalaria de etiología infecciosaSíndrome de intestino irritable en pacientes con síndrome dispéptico menores de 55 años índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Anales de Medicina Interna

versão impressa ISSN 0212-7199


NIETO GARCIA, M. A. et al. Smoking of in-patients. An. Med. Interna (Madrid) [online]. 2003, vol.20, n.7, pp.23-31. ISSN 0212-7199.

Objective: To asses the knowledge and attitude about smoking habit of in-patients in order to detect the sanitary activities that could help to decrease the prevalence of smoking. Material and methods: Cross-sectional observational study of random sample (n=395) of in-patients of University Hospital Virgen Macarean, Seville, Spain. Participation rate was 89% (n= 350) and the interviewer-administered questionnaire was completed with epidemiological and clinical additional data.  Results: Sixty per cent of in-patients were smokers or former smokers. There were statistically significant differences in smoking distribution by age, gender, education, socio-economic level and admission diagnosis. Etiologic relationships between tobacco smoking and lung cancer or chronic lung disease were known by more than 90% of in-patients but other smoking’s health effects were not so well known: larynx (86%), oesophagus (86%) and oral cavity (81%) cancer, coronary heart disease (82%) and low birthweight (78%). Forty-five per cent of smokers began to smoke before the age of 15 and an additional 40% at 15-19 year. Forty-six per cent of smokers tried to leave this habit without success in spite of receiving medical advice of leaving smoking (61%) and the recommendations of family and friends (60%). Conclusions: Preventive campaigns against tobacco smoking must include pharmacological and psicological treatment for current smokers because an important proportion of them try to leave this habit without success.

Palavras-chave : Smoking; Pharmacological treatment; Secondary prevention.

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