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Revista de la Sociedad Española de Enfermería Nefrológica

versão impressa ISSN 1139-1375


MARTIN ESPEJO, Jesús Lucas; BARBOSA MARTIN, Francisco; GALEANO MACIAS, Mª Rosa  e  SOLER JUNCO, Mª Luisa. Correction of predyalisis anaemia with two forms of intravenous iron coparative study of iron-gluconate vs. iron-sacarose. Rev Soc Esp Enferm Nefrol [online]. 2004, vol.7, n.2, pp.16-21. ISSN 1139-1375.

Due to the change in the use of intravenous ironin patients in predyalisis (from iron gluconate toironscarose) and because of their differences inchemical structure and molecular weight, we perfomed a study to compare both forms analyzing effectiveness, tolerance and influence on renal function. We studied 58 patients (mean age, 63,5 +/- 15yrs). 29 patients were treated with iron-gluconate and 29 with iron-sacarose. We used two different protocols of administration. We studied haemato-logical parameters, renal function, and iron deposits. Determinations were done before starting the treatment and one month after the administration of the last dose. The patients’ response was adequate and there were no statistically significant differences when analyzing paramenters such as anaemia, iron deposits and clinical improvement. We did not observe an impairment of renal function. However, we could detect a slight increase of serum creatine possibly due to the normal progression of the disease. We only observed adverse effects in one patient treated with iron-glouconate. Despite these results, nurses may carefully monitor the presence of adverse effects regardless of the type of iron administered.

Palavras-chave : Intravenous iron; Predyalisis; Anaemia; Nursing care.

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