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vol.17 número1La evaluación de los obstáculos a la investigación por parte de estudiantes universitarios: construcción de una escalaEfectos de la identidad social, la autoestima, la escolaridad y la edad sobre la esperanza índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Acción Psicológica

versão On-line ISSN 2255-1271versão impressa ISSN 1578-908X


FEMENIA, Sabrina. The influence of personal values on internet use and wellbeing. Acción psicol. [online]. 2020, vol.17, n.1, pp.43-60.  Epub 25-Jul-2022. ISSN 2255-1271.

Personal values influence the behavior, feelings, and lives of individuals, but also, Internet use which penetration is expected it continues expanding all over the world. Values determine attitudes and behaviors of individuals and they also affect relationships people maintain with others and themselves. Furthermore, those relations are as well influenced by the adoption and usage of the internet, what is changing the way individuals interact and relate. So, both, values and internet use, impact on individuals Wellbeing (WB) perception. The present study analyses the influence of personal values on internet use and WB perception on a sample of 33,123 respondents of the European Social Survey (2016), 51 % of female respondents and 47.9 % male aged 15 and over, from different European countries. By this way, first, an Exploratory Factorial Analysis has been applied on data related to personal values, and four different profiles have been defined. Second, there have been individually analyzed and correlated the level of internet use and life satisfaction individuals report to analyze their influence on each profile. Finally, the interaction of both variables has been considered. When p-value is significative (p < .05) individual profile moderate relationship between internet use and life satisfaction. Results demonstrate personal values influence internet use and life satisfaction.

Palavras-chave : Internet use; Wellbeing; life satisfaction; personal values; measurement; ESS.

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