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Journal of Negative and No Positive Results

versão On-line ISSN 2529-850X


IGLESIAS FORTES, Sarai  e  SANCHEZ-MUNIZ, Francisco J. The 2020 Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to the World Food Programme. A small recognition of those of us who love Nutrition and admire those who fight against hunger in the world. JONNPR [online]. 2020, vol.5, n.11, pp.1296-1310.  Epub 04-Dez-2023. ISSN 2529-850X.

Each one of the 690 million of people who suffer food insecurity in the world have the right to live in peace and free of hunger. This brief article is a humble tribute to The World Food Programme (WFP) of the Union Nations who was awarded with the Nobel Peace prize. A short comment is made on the historical and bureaucratical aspects of the Nobel, and some background related to the present winner of the Nobel peace prize. This article discusses the role of the WFP in the fight against hunger. At the same time the fact that something as horrible as hunger is used as a political weapon is highlighted. It also mentions a summary of the ongoing projects of this organization. In the words of the executive director of the WFP (sic): Without peace, we cannot achieve our global goal of zero hunger; and while there is hunger, we will never have a peaceful world. That is the reason why this Nobel prize has such a big meaning for us. The article reviews specific aspects of the World Food Program, its mediation to achieve a sustainable food system, the current situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the contrast between peace and war in food production, and the existence of alliances at the UNO, FAO and Nobel Peace Laureates to ensure hunger is not used as a political and war weapon.

Palavras-chave : Nobel Peace Prize; WHO; World Food Programme; Programs; Projects.

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