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Nefrología (Madrid)

versão On-line ISSN 1989-2284versão impressa ISSN 0211-6995


GRACIA-IGUACEL, Carolina et al. Defining protein-energy wasting syndrome in chronic kidney disease: prevalence and clinical implications. Nefrología (Madr.) [online]. 2014, vol.34, n.4, pp.507-519. ISSN 1989-2284.

The presence of malnutrition in chronic kidney disease (CKD) is well-known. The discovery in the last 15 years of pathophysiological mechanisms that lead to this process, such as anorexia, the increase of protein catabolism and inflammation, has created the need for a new name by the International Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism (ISRNM): protein-energy wasting syndrome (PEW). This document's objectives are to propose the use of the term "desgaste proteico energético" (DPE) as a more accurate translation of the English term and to update the pathogenic mechanisms involved that are inherent to DPE (PEW). We simultaneously review the latest epidemiological evidence that highlight the relevance of malnutrition and its impact both on mortality and morbidity in CKD. Finally, we point out the need to redefine DPE (PEW) diagnostic criteria so that they are applicable to the Spanish population with CKD. We do not think that the criteria established by the ISRNM can be extrapolated to different populations, as is the case, for example, with interracial anthropometric differences.

Palavras-chave : Protein-energy wasting syndrome; Chronic renal failure.

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