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Gaceta Sanitaria

versão impressa ISSN 0213-9111


DAVO-BLANES, Mª Carmen; GARCIA DE LA HERA, Manuela  e  LA PARRA, Daniel. Health education in primary school: Alicante city (Spain) teachers' opinions. Gac Sanit [online]. 2016, vol.30, n.1, pp.31-36. ISSN 0213-9111.

Objective: This study explores the opinions of primary school teachers about health activities carried out in schools in Alicante city (Spain). Methods: An exploratory study was conducted through qualitative content analysis. Three focus groups were conducted with 25 primary school teachers (14 women and 11 men) working in 14 public and 7 private schools in the city of Alicante. Participants were asked about the health activities carried on in their schools. Results: Teachers distinguished between health education activities promoted by the school and those included in external programmes promoted by public and private institutions. External programmes were considered as impositions, lacking continuity and chosen according to passing fads. Although teachers demonstrated a more positive attitude towards activities arising from their own initiative, they identified health education as a secondary task. Teachers considered that improving their own health education training and promoting the involvement of parents, health professionals and public institutions were the most appropriate ways to promote health education in the school. Conclusion: Teachers showed a more positive opinion and greater commitment towards health activities that complement and facilitate their teaching tasks. Their didactic programme and opinion should be taken into account to maximise the efficiency of the health promotion and education activities promoted by external organisations.

Palavras-chave : Health education; Health promotion; Primary schools; School teachers.

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