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vol.16 número6Complicaciones de la cirugía craneofacial en tumores de base craneal anteriorFactores relacionados con la cirugía fallida de hernia discal lumbar índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1130-1473


BORDES-MONMENEU, M.; BORDES-GARCIA, V.; RODRIGO-BAEZA, F.  e  SAEZ, D.. System of dynamic neutralization in the lumbar spine: Experience on 94 cases. Neurocirugía [online]. 2005, vol.16, n.6, pp.499-506. ISSN 1130-1473.

Objective. To assess the results obtained using the Dynesys system (Dynamic Neutralisation System for the spine), in a group of 94 patients This new system for treating lumbar degenerative pathologie is based on lumbar stabilisation and preservation of articular function, as opposed to traditional arthrodesis restrictions. Material and methods. We analyze series of 94 patiens in whom this system was used. 62 were males and 32 females with an average age of 46,4 years. The pathologies treated were disc herniation in 27 cases, degenerative discopathy in 54 cases and lumbar channel stenosis in 13 cases. Follow-up was carried out between 14 and 24 months, assessing the clinical picture according to the Oswestry scale and the return to work. Results. The final results on the Oswestry scale were 21,4% with respect to 56,8% prior to the treatment and the return to work was 82%. There was a remission of the sciatica symptoms in almost all the cases, as well as of the lumbar pain, and there was a 60% improvement in the claudication cases. With regard to complications, we would like to point out two cases due to the technique, one because of the wrong positioning of the screws and the other due to the rupture of the pedicle. There were two cases of subcutaneous seroma and two late subclinical infections. Conclusions. The dynamic neutralisation obtained using this system, should not be considered as an arthrodesis. Treatment using Dynesys enlarges the population of patiens candidates for surgery to who initially do not apparently need a standard fixation, but who raise doubt regarding the application of techniques without instrumental support, incorporating the functionality concept as opposed to restricting movement. This system can be defined as a disc prosthesis fitted externally to the disc. We have obtained good results in the majority of our patients, although we believethut the follow-up should be increased.

Palavras-chave : Lumbar instability; Degenerative lumbosacraI pathology; Dynamic stabilisation; Dynesys neutralisation system.

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