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versão impressa ISSN 1130-1473


MIRANDA, P. et al. Complete surgical resection of high-grade astroblastoma with long time survival: case report and review of the literature. Neurocirugía [online]. 2006, vol.17, n.1, pp.60-63. ISSN 1130-1473.

Astroblastoma is a rare glial neoplasm of unknown origin and uncertain prognosis. It usually presents in young adults as a well circumscribed hemispheric mass, often associated with a cystic component. The histological features of astroblastoma are the presence of typical astroblastic perivascular pseudorosettes and perivascular hyalinization. Two different subtypes of astroblastoma have been defined based upon histological characteristics. Prognosis, however, sometimes is in contradiction with the pathological appearance and seems to be more closely related to the grade of surgical resection. We present a new case of a patient with a high-grade astroblastoma with a long survival time, in whom complete surgical resection was confirmed by an early postoperative MRI.

Palavras-chave : Astroblastoma; Glial tumor; Treatment; Prognosis.

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