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Index de Enfermería

versão On-line ISSN 1699-5988versão impressa ISSN 1132-1296


CAUDILLO-ORTEGA, Lucía et al. Contraceptive behavior model in young women: Specific Situation Theory. Index Enferm [online]. 2018, vol.27, n.1-2, pp.52-56. ISSN 1699-5988.

The increase in the use of contraceptive methods for the prevention of unplanned pregnancies is a priority at the global level, it is very important for nurses to prevent reproductive problems through theories applied to nursing practice.


To develop a theory of the specific situation of nursing contraceptive behavior in women based on a theory of midrange.


Walker and Avant theory derivation technique.


The model of contraceptive behavior in women includes personal, interpersonal, and social factors, which can be measured and applicable to nursing practice and are derived from the nursing body of knowledge.


Specific situation theory offers a theoretical basis for the research, practice and development of the profession, as well as the development of effective interventions in health.

Palavras-chave : Models Nursing; Contraceptive Agents; Women.

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