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vol.29 número3Sobrecarga, equivocación, falta de capacitación: factores contribuyentes en errores de medicación en hospital público chilenoCaracterísticas funcionales de mujeres octogenarias con fractura de cadera después del alta hospitalaria índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Index de Enfermería

versão On-line ISSN 1699-5988versão impressa ISSN 1132-1296


DAVIS-TOLEDO, Giselle; BUSTAMANTE-MUNOZ, Wanda  e  LOPEZ-CAJA, Ignacio. The Good Nursing for Older People: "She is kind, dedicated and she explains to me". Index Enferm [online]. 2020, vol.29, n.3, pp.117-121.  Epub 25-Jan-2021. ISSN 1699-5988.

A qualitative descriptive and analytical study, which describes perceptions and practices associated by elderly people to good nursing and analyzes their expectations and needs of care. The study is contextualized in primary care centers in vulnerable urban sectors of Talca (Maule, Chile). Perception of good and bad nurse were analysed, including individual characteristics, mode of relationship and professional practices.


The methodological strategy-oriented by Socio-Cultural Epidemiology and based on the Grounded Theory applied 119 semi-structured interviews to elderly patients in the healthcare network (2017-2018). The reliability of the study was based on empirical saturation and triangulation of results.


Older people perceive that the good nurse is a friendly and vocational professional. They expect from their nurse a good relationship and therapeutic guidance.

Main conclusion:

The good nurse is perceived as the one who treats her patients well, which highlights about the place of social dimensions in older adult's nurse care.

Palavras-chave : Quality of healthcare; Nursing care; Older adults.

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