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Revista de la Sociedad Española de Enfermería Nefrológica

versão impressa ISSN 1139-1375


MELERO RUBIO, Esperanza; PARRAGA DIAZ, Mateo; PELLICER VILLAESCUSA, Silvia  e  CARCELES LEGAZ, Eulalia. Efficacy of treatment with r-HuEPO, at the beginning or end of the session, in conventional and on-line haemodialysis. Rev Soc Esp Enferm Nefrol [online]. 2008, vol.11, n.3, pp.184-189. ISSN 1139-1375.

When using r-HuEPO we should bear in mind its pharmacokinetic characteristics. In order to indicate the dose, frequency and means of administration, we proposed to study the efficacy of treatment with intravenous r-HuEPO, in conventional and on-line haemodialysis, when administered at the beginning or at the end of the session. Prospective descriptive study in which all chronic patients undergoing dialysis at our unit were included. Haematocrit and haemoglobin were monitored, as well as ferritin and iron levels, transferrin saturation index and dialysis doses. The index of resistance to erythropoiesis stimulating factors was taken into account. We recorded doses and frequency of the treatment with r-HuEPO. The results showed that there was no significant variation in the analytical parameters studied or in the dose of r-HuEPO when the time the treatment is administered varies. We did not observe modifications in the index of erythropoiesis stimulating factors. Accordingly, the efficacy of treatment with r-HuEPO alpha is not modified by being administered at the beginning or end of the session.

Palavras-chave : R-huepo alpha; index of erythropoiesis stimulating factors; erythropoietic treatment; haemodialysis.

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