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Pediatría Atención Primaria

versão impressa ISSN 1139-7632


URRETAVIZCAYA MARTINEZ, María et al. Epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Navarre (Spain). Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria [online]. 2021, vol.23, n.89, pp.53-61.  Epub 09-Maio-2022. ISSN 1139-7632.


since the recent outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), extensive research has been performed, but information on the impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children is still limited. Incidence and clinical features in pediatric population remain unclear and studies are needed to further understand pediatric COVID-19.


in this multi-centre retrospective study, we describe the incidence and clinical characteristics of children with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 in Navarre, Spain, during the first epidemic wave (February 28 - May 31, 2020).


pediatric COVID-19 cumulative incidence in Navarre during these 3 months was three per 1000 children. Of the 309 confirmed cases, 85.7% reported a positive household contact. We found that 32.1% of the patients were asymptomatic; symptoms were diverse and only 15.8% presented the “classic” fever and respiratory involvement. Of the total, 49% received telephone assistance, only 11.6% needed any complementary studies. Thirteen cases were admitted to the hospital (4.2%), from which only two were moderate cases (one respiratory that required oxygen and one epileptic) and one was a severe case presenting Multisystem Syndrome-Temporally associated with SARS-CoV-2 who needed intensive care. All patients had a favourable outcome without sequelae. Up to 45.2% did not require treatment, the rest received analgesics, inhaled medication or antibiotics in the case of coexisting bacterial infection; 2.3% received Hydroxychloroquine.


epidemiological reports are important for improving the current knowledge of COVID-19 in children, helping pediatricians to better recognize and adequately treat this disease.

Palavras-chave : COVID-19; Pediatric coronavirus; SARS-CoV-2.

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