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vol.13 número33Enfermería desde la perspectiva del Trabajo DecenteCultura de Segurança do paciente em instituições de saúde: um estudo bibliométrico índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Enfermería Global

versão On-line ISSN 1695-6141


GUEVARA, B. et al. Nursing care: an integrating vision in times of crisis. Enferm. glob. [online]. 2014, vol.13, n.33, pp.318-327. ISSN 1695-6141.

Nowadays, there exist several organizations of humanitarian movements all over the world which try to fight against the dehumanization expressions; however there still exists the presence of situations which are the reasons of pain in the world. That is why we must construct a better and civilized world in which people worries about the quality of life instead of accumulating statistical numbers. Care is a common feature of all human beings. Therefore, human care is recognized as a universal concept, inherent in humanity. Heidegger, the philosopher for excellence of care, recognizes that this is "an ontological constitution that is always underlying to all what the human beings begin, project and make". Nursing as a profession of social nature tries that its staff, under an humanistic perspective, helps the person interested in care to reinforce his/her abilities and/or to minimize imbalances in her/his state of health. That is why it recognizes the human beings as a complex, mysterious and structured in several dimensions being that range from the organic to the spiritual, from the tangible to the intangible, including the social and historical aspect, which defines it as a being of permanent relationships with himself and the world. Under this point of view, nursing tries to recognize that the cared person is a unique entity which has attributes such as: awareness, intellect, dignity, emotions, feelings and knowledge. Therefore, the nursing care assumes a comprehensive and humanistic dimension of the human being whose subjectivity is structured by his experiences, meanings, feelings, emotions, intuitions, and reasoning.

Palavras-chave : Nursing Care; Integrating Vision; Human Care.

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