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Medicina Oral, Patología Oral y Cirugía Bucal (Ed. impresa)

versão impressa ISSN 1698-4447

Med. oral patol. oral cir. bucal (Ed.impr.) vol.10 no.2  Mar./Abr. 2005


Jiménez Y*. Adenoma pleoformo de paladar [Pleomorphic adenoma of the palate]. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir bucal 2005;10:186.
* Profesora Asociada de Medicina Bucal, Universidad de Valencia. Médico Adjunto Servicio de Estomatología, Hospital General Universitario de Valencia. España

CLINICAL CASE: An 82-year-old female with a history of high blood pressure and anorexia. She was referred for a long-evolving, asymptomatic large tumor (3x3 cm) on the right side of the palate (fig 1). The patient was wearing total dentures. Intraoral examination revealed a pediculate tumor of the same color as the adjacent mucosa and presenting a firm consistency. An MRI study (fig 2-3) and biopsy were carried out (fig 4-6).


Pleomorphic adenoma of the palate

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