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vol.2 número6La información al Paciente como pieza clave de la Calidad AsistencialEvaluación de Resultados de Salud: Panorama sobre el uso de medidas de Resultados de Salud basadas en el paciente en la práctica clínica índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Clínica de Medicina de Familia

versão On-line ISSN 2386-8201versão impressa ISSN 1699-695X


ESCOBAR RABADAN, Francisco  e  LOPEZ-TORRES HIDALGO, Jesús. Do we need new tools to evaluate Primary Care house physicians?. Rev Clin Med Fam [online]. 2009, vol.2, n.6, pp.280-285. ISSN 2386-8201.

The education of house physicians should include an evaluation of the competence they have acquired during their training. The current programme for this speciality establishes a training evaluation system whose aim is to monitor the achievement of teaching objectives. For this purpose tools such as self-assessment of objectives and activities performed, analysis of clinical records, analysis of case studies, demonstrations of diagnostic and treatment techniques, analysis of records in the Specialist in Training Book, analysis of other records concerning theoretical-practical activities, video recordings, objective, structured clinical evaluation, as well as other systems for the evaluation of teaching objectives. Furthermore for the total evaluation, in addition to the above mentioned tools, the following are proposed: a record of the compliance to the activities, a record of attendance to the programmed activities, written multi-test assessments and others that the Evaluation Committee may propose. We propose the use of a new tool: the Script Concordance Test, based on a cognitive theory of the development of clinical expertise ("the scripts theory"). This test places examinees in written, but authentic, clinical situations in which they must interpret data to make decisions. It is a written simulation test and can be either paper- or computer-based and can be used in undergraduate, postgraduate, or continuing medical education. It is designed to probe whether the clinical knowledge of examinees is efficiently organized for making appropriate clinical decisions, whether these are related to diagnosis, investigation or treatment.

Palavras-chave : Evaluation; Family Practice.

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