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Pharmacy Practice (Granada)

versão On-line ISSN 1886-3655versão impressa ISSN 1885-642X


MUKATTASH, Tareq L; JARAB, Anan S; ABU-FARHA, Rana K  e  NUSAIR, Mohammad B. A qualitative assessment of the pediatric content in pharmacy curricula adopted by pharmacy schools in Jordan. Pharmacy Pract (Granada) [online]. 2019, vol.17, n.1, 1355.  Epub 11-Nov-2019. ISSN 1886-3655.


The present study aimed to explore faculty (i.e., professors of various ranks) opinions and views regarding the pediatric content in courses taught to pharmacy students in Jordan.


Purposeful sampling was used to identify faculty from ten pharmacy schools. Participants were identified through their institutions’ websites. After obtaining required approvals, twelve in-depth interviews were conducted, recorded, transcribed and analyzed using NVivo 11 Software. Interviews followed a previously prepared and validated interview guide. The interview guide covered various aspects of pediatric undergraduate education and training.


Twelve professors (eight assistants and four associate professors) agreed to take part in the study. Qualitative analysis revealed four themes each with regard to respondents’ knowledge of the pediatric content and their students’ competency in dealing with pediatric patients. The emerging themes were: the lack of pediatric content in their current curriculum, the need for exposing students to more courses teaching pediatrics, and future aspirations to deal with this, and implications on practice.


This study highlights the deficiency of pediatric courses in pharmacy curriculum in Jordan. Respondent believed that this will have negative implications on pediatric pharmaceutical care and treatment efficacy and safety. It was thought that adding more pediatrics topics to undergraduate curricula, offering pediatric specialized postgraduate education, and implementing pre-registration training could alleviate the current situation.

Palavras-chave : Child; Education; Pharmacy Students; Pharmacy Schools; Pharmacy Faculty; Curriculum; Pharmaceutical Services; Qualitative Research; Jordan.

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