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Enfermería Nefrológica

versão On-line ISSN 2255-3517versão impressa ISSN 2254-2884


GARCIA ZAMORA, Montserrat et al. Assessment of the efficacy of the nursing consultation relative to kalemia and weight gain in hemodialysis patients. Enferm Nefrol [online]. 2014, vol.17, n.3, pp.175-185. ISSN 2255-3517.

Introduction: Nursing consultation is an indispensable tool in renal replacement therapy by providing the knowledge necessary for the self-management of the patient and family. Kalemia and weight gain are two of the variables with greater association with morbi-mortality. Alm: To evaluate the effectiveness of nursing consultation regarding kalemia and weight gain in hemodialysis patients. Material and methods: Descriptive and retrospective study conducted in 121 patients in hemodialysis program of the Parc Taulí Hospital. Were analyzed: - Kalemia before nursing consultation and at 2, 4 and 6 months after intervention stratified according to the presence of drug treatment. - Interdialytic weight gain of 14 sessions before and after the nursing consultation, considering whether patients maintained diuresis. Results: ■ Kalemia: • 68.61% of the 51 patients with hyperkalemia at baseline improved at 2 months post-intervention, without changes in drug treatment. Results were maintained at 4 and 6 months. • Stratifying the sample: K=5'1-5'5 mEq / l were improved at 67.85%, K> 5'5-6'5 mEq / l at 72.99% and K> 6.5 mEq / l at 100 %. ■ Weight gain: • Patients before nursing consultation accumulated more than 2kg improved post-intervention in 52.45%. Conclusions: Results demonstrate the effectiveness of the nursing consultation because after the intervention was significantly decreased hyperkalemia and hypervolemia, reducing the morbimortality of our patients.

Palavras-chave : education; diet; kalemia; potassium; weight gain; hemodialysis.

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