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Enfermería Nefrológica

versão On-line ISSN 2255-3517versão impressa ISSN 2254-2884


JIMENEZ MALDONADO, Ángel  e  GARCIA MILLAN, Sonsoles. Assessment of anxiety and burnout in nurses of a unit of Nephrology. Enferm Nefrol [online]. 2016, vol.19, n.2, pp.118-124. ISSN 2255-3517.

Introduction: Nursing is by nature a profession with high risk of generating stress among professionals. Several studies show it. Objectives: - Assess the presence of burn out in our unit. - Assess whether there are differences between nursing assistants and nurses. - Assess whether there are differences according to age and time of service. Methodology: A qualitative study, descriptive, cross-sectional and single-center, in the nephrology unit of the University Hospital Rio Hortega of Valladolid was carried out. For this purpose two questionnaires, BMI and STAI were used. Results: Questionnaires were completed on 77.27%. The sample was 11 nurses and five nursing assistants and only one was a man. The ages range from 28 to 62 years and the average time the unit was 11.1 years. TEST MBI: - Emotional exhaustion subscale: 12.5% very high levels, the 6.25% average levels and the rest low levels. - Depersonalization subscale: 12.5% had very high levels, 25% average and 62.5% low levels. - Personal fulfillment subscale: 25% had low levels, 31.25% had average levels and 44.75% had high levels. Taking as variables, time worked and age there are no statistically significant differences. The average for the STAI-S scale was 19.53 ± 3.02 and STAI-T was 14.24 ± 7.12. Conclusions: Healthcare professionals evaluated by BMI have low levels of exhaustion, of which only one person has a burn out syndrome. Nurses have more emotional exhaustion but are more satisfied than nursing assistants, and anxiety in both professions is predominantly transient.

Palavras-chave : anxiety; burnout; nephrology nursing.

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