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vol.59 número232Trastorno de adaptación: análisis de la Incapacidad Laboral por contingencias comunes en Ibermutuamur, Mutua de Accidentes de Trabajo y Enfermedades Profesionales de la Seguridad SocialEvidencia científica de la relación entre acoso laboral y depresión índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Medicina y Seguridad del Trabajo

versão On-line ISSN 1989-7790versão impressa ISSN 0465-546X


SANCHIS-RUIZ, A.; VARELA-HALL, C.; MARTINS-MUNOZ, G.  e  DIAZ-SOTERO, M.. Psichosocial risk of inmigrant workers in Spain. Med. segur. trab. [online]. 2013, vol.59, n.232, pp.345-360. ISSN 1989-7790.

Introduction: During the last decades, Spain has been a receptor of an intense migratory flow, however, by the current financial crisis, it is showing a great fall. Immigration is linked to work and the search of better living conditions. The immigrant worker has several psychosocial risks. Methods: We performed a search in the main bibliographic databases using key words and descriptors, subsequently applying relevance, inclusion and exclusion criteria, selecting a total of 15 articles to which we applied the evidence criteria of the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN). Results: Being an immigrant leads to greater discrimination, racism and xenophobia at the workplace. Women are most vulnerable to psychosocial risks. Most of the studies also highlighted the existence of job insecurity. There is more discrimination among some nationalities. Many immigrants with a high level of studies, dedicate to low qualified jobs. Discussion: Most of the studies reviewed considered that work conditions in the immigrant in Spain are characterized by precariousness, unsteadiness and therefore vulnerability in the occupational sphere. There are also poor self-perceived health, physical distress and major risk of mental disorders. Incidences differ on gender, where females are more vulnerable. Conclusions: In the articles reviewed, immigrant population mostly comes from countries with lower incomes. It is outstanding the perceived discrimination on this field by a high percentage of the immigrants in Spain. Generally, the immigrant is limited in type of work that accesses, conditions and rights.

Palavras-chave : Inmigrant worker; psicosocial risk; Spain.

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