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Index de Enfermería

versão On-line ISSN 1699-5988versão impressa ISSN 1132-1296


CALVO-SALGUERO, Antonia; AGUILAR LUZON, Mª del Carmen  e  SALINAS MARTINEZ DE LECEA, José María. Individualistic and collectivistic work values of female and male nurses in multicultural environment. Index Enferm [online]. 2008, vol.17, n.4, pp.246-250. ISSN 1699-5988.

Objectives: Identify whether individualistic or collectivistic values prevail within the nursing profession and whether the profile of prevailing values remains the same for both men and women. Check whether there exist gender differences in the degree to which these professionals participate in both individualistic and collectivistic values. Material and Methods: The scale of measure used is the EVAT-30. The participants were 186 female and male nurses from an public hospital, located in the South of Spain. analyses of mean difference, t tests, and MANOVA analyses were carried out. Results: Both genders value more individualistic work values than collectivistic values. Female nurses show a higher preference for individualistic values than male nurses, there being no gender differences in respect to collectivistic values. Conclusions: We suggest the necessity to explore in greater depth the analysis of these values relating them with the efficency of nursing workgroups and to identify the factors that determine the gender differences.

Palavras-chave : Individualistic and collectivistic values toward the job; EVAT30; Transcultural; Nursing; Gender.

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