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vol.19 número2-3Las relaciones entre Globalización, Medio Ambiente y Salud: Retos para la enfermería en el siglo XXILa naturaleza histórica y dialéctica de los procesos de Globalización-Glocalización y su incidencia en la cultura de los cuidados índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Index de Enfermería

versão On-line ISSN 1699-5988versão impressa ISSN 1132-1296


ROMERO B., María Nubia. From competence to compart-tence in the transcultural care. Index Enferm [online]. 2010, vol.19, n.2-3, pp.157-161. ISSN 1699-5988.

In this XXI century it is necessary to confront the different logics that cross the glob-local thinking and the what-to-do in the cultural care in health, in the communitarian surroundings and in the nursery's professionals. This confrontation is carried out by the theoretical methodological's reflection about the sense and the meaning of two categories: Competence and compart-tence, that express the hegemonic and the resistance, respectively, which helps to explain and to comprehend the actions in healthcare within occidental cultural sphere and in the people's traditional culture. The compart-tence concept is taken from the northern mountainous part of the State of Oaxaca, Mexico, and from the Colombian guambian peoples' traditional cosmogonist thought. This reflection does not disregard the varieties that are present in the conceptual and practices' appropriations that are made in every cultural territory, in which the health care exercises are realized from the cultural competence or the compart-tence.

Palavras-chave : Cultural competence; Compart-tence; Traditional knowledge; Cultural care; Communitarian nursery; Qualitative research.

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