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vol.33 número4Beneficios y barreras para hacer ejercicio percibidas por personas mayores que viven con el VIHEvaluación de la calidad de vida de personas mayores participantes de un centro diurno índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1134-928X


JIMENEZ-HERNANDEZ, Evelyn et al. Relationship between perceived social support and depression in older people with attendance in a gerontological center. Gerokomos [online]. 2022, vol.33, n.4, pp.230-233.  Epub 24-Jul-2023. ISSN 1134-928X.


To evaluate the association between perceived social support and the depression level in older adults who attend and participate in activities at a gerontological center from Hidalgo state, Mexico.


Quantitative, descriptive, correlational non-experimental study. A sample of 71 older adults who attend gerontology centers. The study variables were perceived social support and depression. For the measurement and data collection, the questionnaires were used, DUKE-UNC11 with a reliability of 0.66 and validity of 0.88, which assesses how the older adults perceive social support and the Yesavage geriatric scale with a reliability of 0.84 and validity of 0.78 that identifies the degree of depression in the elderly.


Of the 71 older adults, 72.8% were female and 28.2% male. In schooling, 29.6% finished primary school, on the other hand, 80.3% are of the catholic religion, 38% of the participants are married and most of them dedicate themselves to the home, 62%. The age that most prevailed was 75 years. 42.3% of older adults are observed with mild depression, 49.3% moderate depression 8.5% severe depression. Likewise, 67.6% with normal social support and 32.4% low social support. A significant inverse correlation was obtained between social support and the level of depression (r = -0.336, p < 0.01).


The more social support older adults receive, the lower their degree of depression.

Palavras-chave : Older adult; depression; social support.

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