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vol.6 número4Influencia del estudio personal en la adquisición de conocimientosPrácticas de Enfermería Comunitaria: evaluación de una muestra de enfermeras tutoras (curso 2001-02) índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Educación Médica

versão impressa ISSN 1575-1813


ARIAS NAVALON, José Antonio  e  CUADRADO PEREZ, Mª Luz. Theoretic contents of general and specialized subjects in core curricula of health sciences professions. Educ. méd. [online]. 2003, vol.6, n.4, pp.134-138. ISSN 1575-1813.

Objective: To assess general and specialized theoretic contents of core curricula of health professions in Spain, in order to make some recommendations to improve these curricula and to highlight some areas needing further modifications. Design: Systematic revision. Setting and study selection: Core curricula of health professions in Spain: Nursing, Physical therapy, Speech-language pathology, Nutrition and dietetics, Optometry, Podiatry and Occupational therapy. Measurements: Number of theoretic hours devoted to both general and specialized subjects. Results and conclusions: Overall, specialized and general contents are 66.7% and 33.3%, respectively. Most careers have more hours focused on specialized subjects, with results ranging between the absence of general subjects in Optometry and Speech-language pathology careers and 71.4% of general contents in Occupational therapy. The lack of general health and disease knowledge might have important implications for daily practice and research expectatives of these health professions.

Palavras-chave : Health sciences professions; Core curriculum; Core subjects.

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