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Ars Pharmaceutica (Internet)

versão On-line ISSN 2340-9894


SANZ CEBALLOS, Laura; GOMEZ LOPEZ, Salvador Manuel  e  PUGA GUIL, Patricia María. Management control in Radiopharmacy Hospital Units: review of the variables to consider using Balanced Scorecards In. Ars Pharm [online]. 2016, vol.57, n.1, pp.23-26. ISSN 2340-9894.

Objetives: We list the essential variables in Balanced Scorecards to cover all basic areas of work in a Radiopharmacy Hospital Unit, whose proper management can be key in optimizing the resources that are available. Secondly, to list the benefits in the practice of daily work that result after integration. Methods: A review of the published literature about Balanced Scorecards, selecting the variables to be collected for the radiopharmaceutical to take an active role in improving his work area. Applications built in Microsoft Access for comprehensive management are used. They are administered in various modules all the information from the prescription and citation patients (assigning a code) until they perform medical test. Also collected variables such as date and time limits for processing radiopharmaceutical supplier; medical test date; management elutions of generators and cold kits; staff work shifts; typified record incidents and receive data, labeling, quality control and dispensing of each radiopharmaceutical (ensuring traceability); detecting deviations between calibrated and measured activity; to know the dispensed activity and available in real time; management of radioactive waste disposal, inventory and expiration dates; dates of upcoming reviews of equipment; SOP filed; converter systems units and registration of clinical reports. Results: These specialized software manage the information handled in daily practice in Radiopharmacy Hospital Unit, facilitating cost-effective decisions. These parameters analyzed are usually: number of elaborate preparations and managed activity; possible incidents in any of the everyday processes; percentage of satisfactory resolution without resulting in unavailability; correct traceability of radiopharmaceuticals; percentage of satisfactory quality controls; evolution in consumption by type of radiopharmaceutical, etc. The improved order management ensures the presence of the radiopharmaceutical needed for each medical test. Conclusions: These new Balanced Scorecards are useful to optimize orders and radiopharmaceuticals, ensure traceability, inventory management, clinical reports, radioactive waste and to evaluate the efficiency of the Radiopharmacy Hospital Unit, allowing the integration of these data with others software health management. This methodology can be applied in Primary Care Health Centers to focus on its healthcare staff and operational functions.

Palavras-chave : Radiopharmaceutical; balanced scorecard; software-based data management.

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