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Ars Pharmaceutica (Internet)

versão On-line ISSN 2340-9894


NUNEZ-VALDES, Juan  e  RAMOS-CARRILLO, Antonio. The pharmacist Milagro Almenara Pérez, from oblivion to her recognition. Ars Pharm [online]. 2021, vol.62, n.4, pp.371-378.  Epub 15-Nov-2021. ISSN 2340-9894.


Milagro Almenara Pérez graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Granada in 1921. However, after the Civil War, it seems that she never existed, and not only her person, but also her university record and even the Granada pharmacy where she worked. This article shows a biography of her, with the double objective of showing her as a reference to society and also to illustrate the strong parallelism between her life and that of the well-known Granada poet, Federico García Lorca.


A search for information on Milagro Almenara Pérez has been carried out in archival, bibliographic, digital and even journalistic sources that has made possible to complete with new and recent data some biographical aspects that are not found in the few research works already published on her.


As a result of the study, original data have been added to the biography of Milagro Almenara Pérez and the hypothesis of the existence of a certain similarity between her life and that of the famous Andalusian poet Federico García Lorca is justified.


In the Spanish Civil War many documents, both personal and institutional, were destroyed by both sides, which concerned those people whom each side considered disaffected. Among them, the pharmacist Milagro Almenara, whose life had many coincidences with that of the poet Federico García Lorca.

Palavras-chave : Spanish pioneering pharmaceutical women; Milagro Almenara Pérez; Federico García Lorca; consequences of Spanish Civil War.

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