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Cirugía Plástica Ibero-Latinoamericana
versión On-line ISSN 1989-2055versión impresa ISSN 0376-7892
MANZANEDA CIPRIANI, Raúl; CANO GUERRA, Fiorella Doris y ADRIANZEN NUNEZ, Gerardo A. Permissible loss of fat in liposuction: formula and computer application to quantify a new concept. Cir. plást. iberolatinoam. [online]. 2021, vol.47, n.1, pp.19-28. Epub 02-Ago-2021. ISSN 1989-2055. https://dx.doi.org/10.4321/s0376-78922021000100004.
Background and objective.
There is little scientific evidence of how much fat should be removed in a liposculpture, only rigid recommended parameters. The current concept of the volume of fat that should be removed cannot be generalized, since each patient has different intrinsic characteristics, therefore, the calculation of the aspirated volume of fat should be individualized for each patient.
The objective of this work is to create a predictive mathematical formula that allows us to know what is the maximum amount of fat that can be aspirated in liposuction (allowable fat loss) based on a safe allowable blood volume and age (without the need for blood transfusions and preventing hemodynamic complications).
A quantitative, analytical, retrospective study that responds to a non-experimental design was conducted. The study population was made up of patients undergoing liposuction by the same surgeon in 3 private clinics in Lima (Peru). The minimum sample size was determined with a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 5%, where the final sample consisted of 102 patients. A database in Microsoft Excel v19.00 was used for data collection, likewise descriptive techniques were used to homogenize them. Then, the multivariate analysis was carried out, taking into account the patient's age and surgical risk. Statistical analysis was performed with the SPSS version 25 statistical program.
We collected 97 women between 18 to 54 years old and 5 men between 23 to 48 years old (average age 32.5 years); the average body mass index (BMI) was 22.06.
A linear regression study was carried out for the variables total fat aspirate and permissible blood volume, obtaining a very important coefficient of determination (R2=47%) (strong association of predictability). Given this result, it was decided to extend the study to a multivariate one, with the variables age and surgical risk, where no association was determined with respect to surgical risk, however for age the association became stronger (R2=49%), allowing the construction of a predictive formula for the association of these 3 variables, creating a computer application for cell phones and tablets to improve the application of this relationship in clinical practice.
The present study determined that the variables total fat aspiration and permissible blood loss are predictive variables of permissible fat loss. Likewise, the multivariate analysis allowed us to increase the predictive power of this relationship, as the age variable was included. In this way, it is possible to develop a statistical method that allows us to determine these predictions (formula), which will help surgeons to have a better surgical planning of liposculpture. To make this easier, a free mobile application was developed that allows this calculation quickly and easily
Palabras clave : Lipoaspirate; Lipoaspirate volume; Liposuction; Permissible fat loss.