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versión On-line ISSN 1988-348X


BLANCO ENRIQUEZ, Francisca Elvira; CARO CASTILLO, Clara Virginia; GOMEZ RAMIREZ, Olga Janneth  y  CORTAZA RAMIREZ, Leticia. José, una mirada al ser: análisis de una narrativa de enfermería de acuerdo con el modelo de adaptación de Roy. Ene. [online]. 2019, vol.13, n.1, 13110.  Epub 01-Oct-2019. ISSN 1988-348X.

The narrative is a real expression of what is the practice of Nursing, as a methodology within a new paradigm for research. With the method of 10 steps of Smith & Liehr, a Nursing Narrative was analyzed according to the Callista Roy Adaptation Model, allowing to find meaning to the situation proposing name of the phenomenon, theoretical lens, essential qualities or attributes, a definition essential and a graph that shows the relationship between qualities. This analysis allowed to understand the phenomenon from a theoretical nurse perspective and to begin a process of theory generation.

Palabras clave : Narrative; Nursing; Adaptation.

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