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vol.72 número5Actualización y algoritmos de toma de decisión en el manejo del aneurisma aórtico abdominal rotoAneurisma sintomático de arteria carótida interna índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 1695-2987versión impresa ISSN 0003-3170


RODRIGUEZ MORATA, Alejandro; REYES ORTEGA, Juan Pedro; ROBLES MARTIN, Mª Luisa  y  GALLARDO PEDRAJAS, Fernando. The dark spots of pelvic venous insufficiency. Angiología [online]. 2020, vol.72, n.5, pp.253-264.  Epub 30-Nov-2020. ISSN 1695-2987.

Pelvic Venous Insufficiency is a topic of much debate in Congresses of our professional field. However, the more this pathology is recognized and treated in our setting, the more cases we find in which applying a standard venous embolization or stenting, treatment results in an unfavorable result. To avoid this type of results, we must carefully study the abdomino-pelvic venous circulation, establishing parallels with the infrainguinal venous circulation, and also apply IVUS technology in cases of doubt. With these two measures, we can face this pathology as a whole with very positive results for our patients.

Palabras clave : Pelvic venous insufficiency; IVUS; May-Thurner; Nutcracker; Pelvic varicose veins.

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