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MUNOZ CORDOVA, Julio César et al. Carotide-jugular fistula due to vascular trauma with chain saw. Diagnostic and surgical approach. Angiología [online]. 2021, vol.73, n.1, pp.33-36.  Epub 12-Abr-2021. ISSN 1695-2987.


carotid trauma is an infrequent but generally devastating disease, requiring timely diagnostic and therapeutic management. In cases where there is no hemodynamic instability or severe injuries, angiotomography and even angiography can be included in the diagnosis, which can provide fundamental data in treatment. Conventional surgery is the choice in many cases, especially determined by the characteristics of the carotid lesion and by the availability of endovascular supplies.

Case report:

we present the case of a patient with a carotid lesion caused by a chainsaw fragment, which caused a carotid-subclavian fistula. Conventional surgery was chosen, which consisted of closing the fistula and angioplasty of the internal carotid with the use of a patch in the pants of the greater saphenous vein.


the patient recovered without neurological focalities.

Palabras clave : Carotide-jugular fistula; Vascular trauma; Chain saw.

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