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Archivos de Zootecnia

On-line version ISSN 1885-4494Print version ISSN 0004-0592


MULLER, M. et al. w-3 and w-9 on performance, superovulatory response and embryo production in nellore heifers. Arch. zootec. [online]. 2009, vol.58, n.222, pp.241-252. ISSN 1885-4494.

Twenty three 20 months old and 351 kg of initial body weight Nellore heifers were used, during 28 days, to study the effect of omega-3 (whole linseed, LIN), omega-9 (canola seed, CAN) fat sources, and without fat addition (no fat, SOG) on the final live weight, average daily gain, fat tickness, number and weight of luteum corpus and cyst, number of total structures, transferable structures, degenerate structures, and no-fertilized structure. The heifers were allotted into a completely randomized design. There was no effect of LIN and CAN fat sources and SOG on the final body weight, average daily gain, and fat thickness. There was no difference on weight of left, right, and total ovarium, corpus luteum and cyst; and on number of total luteum corpus and left ovarium cyst. CAN presented a higher number of left luteum corpus (18.33 vs. 12.00) and a lower number of right ovarium cyst (1.33 vs. 4.60) and total (3.60 vs. 8.60), compared to LIN. CAN e SOG had a higher number of total structure (8.67 and 10.40). CAN had a higher number of transferable structures (6.67) than SOG and LIN (2.80 vs. 1.17). LIN and CAN had a lower number of degenerate structure than SOG (2.00 and 3.67 vs. 7.60). Therefore, CAN presented a lower number of non-fertilized structure (0%) and a higher viability of produced structure (76.93%).

Keywords : Linseed; Canola seed.

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