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Archivos de Zootecnia

versión On-line ISSN 1885-4494versión impresa ISSN 0004-0592


ANDRETTA, I. et al. Feeding of pre-pubertal gilts with diets containing aflatoxins or zearalenona. Arch. zootec. [online]. 2010, vol.59, n.225, pp.123-130. ISSN 1885-4494.

An experiment was carried out to evaluate performance, vulvae morphology, visceral organs and reproductive tract weight in pre-puberal gilts fed diets containing aflatoxins or zearalenone during 28 days. Eighteen animals with an average initial weight of 11 kg were used. Three treatments (control diet - CD; CD + 1 mg kg-1 of aflatoxins; CD + 2 mg kg-1 of zearalenone) were utilized in a completely randomized design with six replications. Feed intake, weight gain and final live weight were reduced (p<0.05) by 30% (CD x CD + aflatoxins: 1.087 x 0.758 kg), 27% (0.608 x 0.441 kg) and 16% (27.4 x 22.9 kg) for animals fed diets containing aflatoxins. Feed intake (CD x CD + zearalenone: 1.087 x 0.986 kg), feed conversion ratio (1.85 x 1.86) and final live weight (27.4 x 25.5 kg) were not affected (p>0.05) by zearalenone in comparison to control group. The relative weight of liver and heart were not altered (p>0.05) by mycotoxins. However, zearalenone increased (p<0.05) the bulk of vulva, the length and weight of reproductive tract. Feeding diets with aflatoxins or zearalenone prejudices performance and stimulates estrogenic effects in gilts.

Palabras clave : Mycotoxins; Performance; Pigs; Organs; Reproduction.

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